Kloof is a growing herd of individuals contributing to a new flavor in experimental exhibiting

EXPO#14 | 04/02 | 25/02 | 2023
Max Schulze + Stefanie Bloier
‘Beer traps on a birthday cake’ a duo-exhibition by Max and Stefanie.

EXPO#15 | 01/04 | 22/04 | 2023
Kick Veldman + Flo Kortekaas
‘Er is altijd iets te doen’ a duo-exhibition
22/04 Kunsthal Kloof X Freaky dancing by Kick and Flo.
EXPO#16 | 06/05 | 11/06 | 2023
Julius Stibbe + Thomas Klein Horsman
‘I will tell you my secret’ a duo-exhibition by Julius and Thomas.
EXPO#17 | 14/07 | 20/08 | 2023
Bram Engelaar + Louisiana van Onna
‘Geruisloos, geluidloos’ a duo-exhibition by Bram and Louisiana.
EXPO#18 | 02/09 | 01/10 | 2023
Emma van Amerongen + Ersin van Eeken
‘Ephemerality’ a duo-exhibition by Emma and Ersin.
EXPO#19 | 07/10 | 12/11 | 2023
Elma Čavčić + Rood Kok
‘Warlords and citykids’ a duo-exhibition by Elma and Rood.
EVENT | ‘U? X kloof’ | 12/11 | 2023
Birdguy + Elma Čavčić + Rood Kok
Live screenprinting 12.00 - 20.00 uur